
A Blog by Fatmata Williams

Category: Archive

  • My Experience with Higher Education Part I

    The Decision During the Fall of 2020, I decided to return to school because I have been a registered nurse for a long time, and even though I enjoy working as a nurse executive in health administration and policy, I want the autonomy to practice at the top of my license. I also want to…

  • Happy 18th Birthday son!

    What an interesting time to be celebrating your 18th birthday. We were not able to do our usual – going to a restaurant of your choice, due to the pandemic. I have been reflecting on the last eighteen years and it has been an absolute joy watching you grow. The memories from travel soccer and…

  • Personal Reflections on COVID-19

    It wasn’t so long ago that news emerged about a new virus in Wuhan province (China) that was killing Chinese in droves. Despite draconian efforts by the Chinese to contain the virus it was obvious that it wouldn’t be long before the virus spread to the US and the rest of the world. Globalization has…

  • A Birthday Note to a Sister

    My dearest Joy, We met approximately 36 years ago when we were both living on the grounds of the Methodist Girls High School (MGHS); me a boarder and you living with your mom who was one of our boarding mistresses and a teacher at the high school. We gravitated towards each other from the very…

  • A Woman’s Constitutional Right

    Women in America were having abortions long before the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed (January 22nd 1973) that access to safe and legal abortion is a woman’s constitutional right (Roe v. Wade). Prior to this a lot of women died trying to self-induce or seek abortion services from lay people. Some abortion access barriers continue to…

  • How Could We?

    I wrote this a while ago but it’s amazing to see how relevant it continues to be. At least six migrant children have died in U.S. custody since this piece was written; also, not all parents and children have been united to date. Please use your vote wisely in 2020! How could we?
 In June…

  • Health Insurance

    Most health insurers now impose a very high co-payment (average $250.00) for emergency department (ED) visits. While I understand the need to deter “inappropriate” ED usage, this policy can result in adverse outcomes for individuals who may delay seeking emergency care because of high co-pays. Regardless, the onus now rests on the individual to decipher…

  • Happy Sixteenth Birthday Kwame!

    A Happy Sixteenth Birthday to you Kwame! Dear Kwame, Remember how we explained that Kwame is a name given to a boy born on Saturday among the Akan people in Ghana; and that because you were born on a Thursday you should have been named Yaw if we stuck with the tradition, but we decided…

  • Maternal Death

    Why maternal death? Unless it’s your work, you’re pregnant or know someone who is, maternal death is not a topic of casual conversation– especially in developed countries. Maternal death is when a woman dies during pregnancy or a month after giving birth from conditions related to pregnancy and child birth. With the advancement in medicine,…

  • Dear President Obama

    Approximately one year ago, I wrote but did not send this letter to the former President Barack Obama. My political state of mind then is drastically different from what it is currently. No matter what side of the political spectrum you find yourself, always remember that “love trumps hate.” 7/28/16 Dear President Obama, I hope…